He's Not My President?

Thoreau: "Government is Best Which Governs Least"

Archive for April 2009

Rating the First 100 Days — A “D” for Disaster

baseball-barackAll that I can say is thankfully we had baseball on tonight as an alternative to the third prime time telecast of President Obama — a press conference commemorating his first 100 days in office.  About the only thing that is certain after 100 days in office is that President Obama just loves being on TV.  During President Clinton’s first four years in office (outside of his annual State of the Union Address), Clinton only asked the major networks for prime time coverage twice in those four years.  In just his first 100 days, President Obama has already been on twice for press conferences in prime time and once for a State of the Union Address even though he didn’t call it that.

His administration as been full of scandalous appointments consisting of tax cheats and folks with radical agendas.  He took a European tour apologizing to our allies and enemies for our past transgressions.  President Obama signed an executive order to fund abortions abroad.  He had the Congress put together a nearly $800 billion stimulus package that does little if anything to stimulate the economy, and for all intents and purposes is a payoff to the special interest groups and lobbies that got him elected.  President Obama signed an omnibus spending bill with over 8000 earmarks when he promised on the campaign trail that he would end pork projects and earmarks.  He promised to have bills that he intended to sign posted on the whitehouse.gov website for 5 days so that the public could review them before signing, and yet not one bill coming out of Congress that he has signed has been posted on the whitehouse.gov website for public consumption.  His White House authorized the flight of Air Force One with two F16s at low altitudes over New York city for the sole purpose of a photo op and then President Obama acted like he knew nothing about the planned event and acted as if he was as outraged as New Yorkers for the fear it brought to her citizens.  He bowed to the Saudi King and then brazenly lied and told us the King is short and he simply had to bend over to shake his hand (watch the video; he clearly bowed).  He tells us he is not for big government and his administration is fiscally responsible, yet he has a $3.2 trillion budget proposal in Congress right now which will make our deficit $10 trillion over the next decade an unprecedented number and one four times the size of the deficit of any previous administration.  President Obama continues to have complete reliance on a teleprompter anytime he chooses to speak to the people.  He continually blames former President Bush for anything that is a problem even those problems President Obama creates.  He released classified documents detailing our enhanced interrogation techniques and claims this was all simply to restore our reputation.  On April 15th, when citizens of the United States formed a true grass roots movement protesting the massive spending in Washington and to show the elected officials how out of touch they are with the citizenry, President Obama acted as if he had no idea these protets were occuring.  His Administration downplayed and mocked the protestors, and even today President Obama joked about the Tea Party attendees.  In sum, most of his actions to me are wholly unamerican, a vast attempt to grow the Federal Government to unprecedented levels, show a complete and utter lack of leadership (which was expected from someone with absolutely no experience to hold the job of POTUS), and some of his policies, especially his foreign policy, are downright dangerous to the national security interests of our country.

So thankfully there was baseball tonight to watch because I certainly couldn’t stand listening to Barack Obama lie to the American people for another hour.  I would compare Obama’s first 100 days to the April start of the baseball team the Washington Nationals.  The Nationals are out of the gates with a record of 5 wins and 15 losses.  It’s hard to even call the Nationals a professional baseball team, and it looks like they take after the inexperienced, empty suit that inhabits the White House in their city.  I think the Nationals are best characterized as being off to a disastrous start, and I believe the same could be said of the President.  Let’s hope the President turns it around and does better in his next 100 days.  As for the Nationals, they don’t have much hope for any success this season, and if President Obama continues on the same path of his demagoguery and extreme left ideologies, he won’t have any more success than the Washington Nationals a sad state of affairs indeed for all of us.

Written by KJ Kaufman

April 29, 2009 at 8:16 pm

Arlen Specter — The Perfect Example of Government Not Working

arlen-specter1Arlen Specter is a perfect example of why the federal government is no longer for the people and by the people.  Specter, a career politician, is more concerned with his re-election in 2010 than he is spending time in the Senate representing his constituents and their beliefs.  In fact, this is true of most politicians, but is just so clearly defined by the announcement today by Arlen Specter to switch parties.

Specter a 30 year Republican, now decides in the midst of unpopularity with Republicans and in particular conservatives, that he’ll just change his party affiliation from Republican to Democrat.  What does that mean Mr. Specter?  Did you change your principles overnight and decide you are Democrat? or was it just expedient for you in order to hold on to your Senate seat to attempt to run as a Democrat since you were not likely to win as a Republican?

As part of Senator Specter’s statement today, he had the following to say regarding his vote for the stimulus package:

When I supported the stimulus package, I knew that it would not be popular with the Republican Party. But, I saw the stimulus as necessary to lessen the risk of a far more serious recession than we are now experiencing.

Senator Specter, did it ever dawn on you that your beliefs and party affiliation have no importance whatsoever in the job you are truly there to do?  Is it not your duty to represent your constituents views rather than your own?  During the stimulus package debate 43% of voters opposed the stimulus package while only 37% approved of the stimulus as reported by Rasmussen, yet Senator Arlen Specter was instrumental in ensuring its passage.  Only 37% of the public approve and Arlen Specter thinks his approval vote for the stimulus package represented the will of the people.  This is not government for the people and by the people.  Senator Specter, you may have seen the stimulus package as necessary, but only 37% of the Nation agreed with you.  Please do not pretend like you are acting in our best interests when you are clearly not following the will of the people.

Changing his party affiliation is typical of a Senator desperate to keep his job while we the people are losing ours.  Senator Specter I hope you are soundly defeated in 2010 as you have no idea any more what it means to serve the people as you only serve yourself sir.

Written by KJ Kaufman

April 28, 2009 at 11:01 am

Reeling in the Federal Government


On Thursday, April 24th, the Wall Street Journal had a very interesting article entitled The Case for a Federalism Amendent.  As the article discusses, this may be just the ticket the “Tea Party” crowd should promote.  If you believe in limited government, upholding our Constitution and reviving local government rather than Federal Government control as our founding fathers first envisioned, then I highly recommend that you read the The Case for a Federalism Amendent.  Here’s a portion of it to pique your interest:

The Case for a Federalism Amendment

How the Tea Partiers can make Washington pay attention.

In response to an unprecedented expansion of federal power, citizens have held hundreds of “tea party” rallies around the country, and various states are considering “sovereignty resolutions” invoking the Constitution’s Ninth and Tenth Amendments. For example, Michigan’s proposal urges “the federal government to halt its practice of imposing mandates upon the states for purposes not enumerated by the Constitution of the United States.”

Read the Full Article Here