He's Not My President?

Thoreau: "Government is Best Which Governs Least"

Archive for October 2008

In Barack Obama’s Own Words He Will Lose the Election!

I keep telling you folks that all you have to do to know Barack Obama is listen to his own words.  Senator Obama tells us everyday, in his own words, everything you need to know.  Today in Iowa he admitted that he will lose the election.  Well, he didn’t say it exactly like that of course because that isn’t the eloquent speech he has become so acustomed.  In Barack Obama’s stump speech in Iowa this morning he said:

“We have the chance to prove that one thing more powerful than the politics of anything goes; the one thing that cynics don’t count on is the will of the American people.”

Now, he used the word cynics because it flowed with what he was talking about in the speech at the time, but we could easily substitute many words for the word cynics such as media, those that think you can buy an election, those colluding to cover up one’s past, the list can go on and on.  The important thing he said, was “the will of the American people.”  The problem is, he may not like who that will endorses.

He also spoke of the politics of anything goes.  Of course, here Barack Obama was using these terms in reference to McCain’s attack of Obama’s associates.  If Senator Obama looks at his own reflection in the mirror, the politics of anything goes might be quite remarkable to him.  Here’s just a sample of Senator Barack Obama’s willful anything goes politics:

  • Willingly allowing illegal campaign contributions on your website.
  • Willingly sitting in a church of hate for 20 years.
  • Willingly endorsing William Ayers’ radical education programs, not when you were 8 but when you were in your late 30’s and early 40’s.
  • Willing withholding important transcipts, writings and records such as your college transcripts, any Harvard National Law Review articles you may have written, your doctoral thesis, your health records, your Illinois State Senate records and the list goes on and on.
  • Willingly raising taxes on Americans during a “financial crisis.”
  • Willingly endorsing redistributive policies (when we aren’t speaking in politically correct terms, this is referred to as socialism).
  • Willingly race baiting.  Yes Senator Obama you stoked the fire of racisim, not the McCain campaign.
  • Willingly, perhaps encouraging, might I boldly say mandating a smear campaign against Vice-Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin.
  • Willing dividing this country when you say you wish to bring the country together.

Senator Obama your will is not in line with the will of the American people.  The above reasons are many of the reasons the American people will not share your will on election day.  But even beyond all of the willful acts you have committed, there is an even more important reason your will does not reflect that of the will of the American people, and that is your will to change the Constitution of the United States.

As I’ve written about in previous posts, the will of the American people is reflected in no better place than in her Constitution.  And the Constitution is all about the will of the people, not the will of the Government.  If there is one thing that Senator Obama makes crystal clear everyday is that his brand of governement does not empower the people, it empowers the government.  Americans hear his words, they know his brand of government and it has nothing to do with empowering the people and ensuring the will of the people through the Constitution. 

So Senator Obama when you say on the stump today in Iowa that the only thing more powerful than politics is the will of the American people, you are absolutely correct.  And the will of the American people would never in good conscious vote for a man who doesn’t blieve in our most basic principles of empowering the individual and reducing the government.

No conscientious American who still has a will because governemnt has yet to overrun that will, would ever in good conscious vote for you willingly, and that means you sir will lose this election.  It’s really that simple.

Now go out and exercise your will on November 4th and cast your vote.

Written by KJ Kaufman

October 31, 2008 at 5:22 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

“We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America”

constitution_quill_pen1I didn’t say it, Senator Obama did.  Speaking tonight at the University of Missouri in Columbia, Missouri, Senator Obama said, near the beginning of his speech:  “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” 

Remember, Senator Obama himself told us that words matter in his “Just Words” speech on February 19, 2008 (see the YouTube of this speech here).  So are they just words Senator Obama?  Fundamentally transforming?  Just words? or words we should investigate and understand their meaning.  Seems like you told us words matter, so we’ll go ahead and investigate these words.

The American Heritage® Dictionary from the year 2000 defines the words fundamentally and transforming as follows:

ADJECTIVE: 1a. Of or relating to the foundation or base; elementary: the fundamental laws of the universe. b. Forming or serving as an essential component of a system or structure; central: an example that was fundamental to the argument. c. Of great significance or entailing major change: a book that underwent fundamental revision.
NOUN: 1. Something that is an essential or necessary part of a system or object.
OTHER FORMS: funda·mental·lyADVERB
VERB: Inflected forms: trans·formed, trans·form·ing, trans·forms
TRANSITIVE VERB: 1. To change markedly the appearance or form of: “A thick, fibrous fog had transformed the trees into ghosts and the streetlights into soft, haloed moons”(David Michael Kaplan). 2. To change the nature, function, or condition of; convert. See synonyms at convert.

So as we can see from the definitions, fundamentally transforming something (in this case the United States of America) means to markedly change the nature, function, or condition of the foundation or base, forming or serving as an essential component of a system.

So what is it, exactly, that Senator Obama needs to markedly change?  What is the foundation or base of the United States of America, the essential component of our system (our government)?  I would argue it is the Constitution of the United States of America.  But does the U.S. Constitution need to be markedly changed?  I would argue, of course it does not.  Senator Obama couldn’t have possibly meant to fundamentally transform the Constitution of the United States of America, could he?

Well, let’s look at some of his other words and find out.  In the last Presidential Debate this subject of the Constitution came up in the form of the judges the two candidates would appoint to the U.S. Supreme Court.  Senator Obama told us in essence that he believes the Constitution of the United States of America is a “living” document  and therefore would appoint judges in this vain.  In essence, he talked about judges putting on their 21st century hats and interpreting the Constitution in modern day America.  Let’s look at his exact words to be sure:

“[W]e need somebody who’s got the heart, the empathy, to recognize what it’s like to be a young teenage mom. The empathy to understand what it’s like to be poor, or African-American, or gay, or disabled, or old. And that’s the criteria by which I’m going to be selecting my judges.”

This school of thought is typically referred to as a philosophy that the Constitution is a “living” document.  As George Neumayr pointed out in his October 29th article in The American Spectator entitled “Obama’s Living-Will Constitution,” the reason this judicial philosophy is dangerous is as follows:

Why not? He is on record saying that judges need to view the Constitution through the prism of political correctness <snip>

This is creeping tyranny cast as “change.” The whole point of a written constitution with prescribed procedures for its official change is to prevent this tyranny and the inevitable chaos that erupts after the people realize the meaningless character of law under such arrogance. After all, if the “living” constitutionalists don’t have to listen to the words of the framers and can insert new meanings into the place of those words, the people, by the same logic, don’t have to listen either and can reject those new meanings just as lawlessly.

So if Senator Barack Obama views our Constitution as a “living” document, and the most fundamental part of America is its Constitution, then when he says in a speech five days before the general election for his Presidential Candidacy, isn’t he clearly telling us that the Constitution of the United States of America needs to be fundamentally transformed?  I would argue, he is.  I would argue that every day in his stump speeches, in his 30 minute infomercial, in his acceptance speech at Invesco Field in Denver, Colorado, he tells us exactly his plans for this country.  Senator Obama is not a mystery to the American public, he tells us everyday what hope and change mean to him.

Today he told us that he intends on fundamentally transforming the United States of America.  I argue he means to markedly change the foundation of our country, i.e. the United States Constitution.  Is that the kind of change you want?  I didn’t think so.  Now go out and vote on November 4th because words do matter and are not just words.

If you would like to read a more thorough discussion on this topic check out Selwyn Duke’s article “Obama the Justifier” on The American Thinker Website.

Written by KJ Kaufman

October 31, 2008 at 3:30 am

Our Constitution Matters

There is nothing more important to our government than the U.S. Constitution.  As Bill Whittle wrote in his article this week on October 27th entitled “Shame Cubed” :

The entire purpose of the Constitution was to limit government. That limitation of powers is what has unlocked in America the vast human potential available in any population.

As Rush Limbaugh pointed out in one of his radio broadcasts earlier this week, the Constitution doesn’t start with the words “We the government;” it starts with “We the people.”  This is absolutely critical to our view of ourselves as Americans.  If we think the purpose of our government is to take care of us, we are lost as that is not the American way, and that was and is not the purpose of the Constitution.  We the government has been tried in societies throughout history and all of them not only ended in failure or exist in failure, but more importantly exist or ended with millions of lives lost.  If you believe that the government’s purpose is to take care of you, then I am afraid “my friend,” you are too far gone, and you might as well vote for Obama because there is absolutely no hope for you.  But if you believe that the beauty of America is that it empowers the individual, then you have found the right blog site because everything on this site regarding holding Obama to his rhetoric will be filtered through the lens of the U.S. Constitution.

If you would like to hear the 2001 WBEZ radio broadcast where Barack Obama tells us his thoughts on the U.S. Constitution, you can find it on YouTube by clicking here.

There are many, many reasons not to vote for Barack Obama on November 4th, but the absolute most important reason is to protect and defend the Constituion of the United States of America.

Written by KJ Kaufman

October 31, 2008 at 12:03 am

Posted in Uncategorized

Words Matter — Monitoring Obama’s Rhetoric

If Senator Obama is going to be “rammed down [the American People’s] throats,” then I’m going to use this blog to track his dangerous rehetoric.  I’m starting 5 days before the election is held.  If the good people of this country have not been fooled by his rhetoric, I will celebrate with the masses in his defeat.  However, if the masses choose this man based on his rhetoric alone, I will be here every day to report and comment on his rhetoric and explain what his words mean to me.  That’s my pledge and what I can do as an individual citizen to help.

Written by KJ Kaufman

October 30, 2008 at 8:30 pm

Posted in Uncategorized